Friday, March 23, 2012

Santa Fe

Linz, Ash, the baby Bo’s and I spent 5 days last week in stunning Santa Fe.  I have never been there before that I can remember (maybe drove though on the way to skiing 15+ years ago?).  I was shocked by the beautiful sweeping views, the majestic mountain peaks, and the ridiculously delicious food.  It really was an especially great trip for me combining historical sites, churches, scenery, and FOOD.  So I was in heaven while we were there.

 Red chili sauces? or  Green chili sauces? Both please! Oh and 2 extra tamales for the road.
The food is also mostly local sourced and organic.  In fact, if you wanted to find non-organic coffee, you had to go to Starbucks.  Speaking of coffee, which if you know me is one of my addictions; they have this amazing local styled coffee where they blend in roasted pine nuts along with the beans.  Unique, smooth, and nutty (actually drinking some right now).
We drove lots of places, from Albuquerque up to Taos.  Saw lots of sites, from Tent Rock National up to the Rio Grande Gorge.  Went to the site of 2 different miracles, the Loretto Stairs and the Chimayo Dirt.  Had tons of fun with those Bo babes in the snow.  All in all, a great time in northern New Mexico.  Enjoy.

Free sopapillas at the end of your meals
At Tent Rocks
They funny rock shapes go all the way up the mountain.  The ones on top still have boulders on their peaks.
Chimayo Church with the Holy Dirt.  The walls are lined with people crutches, canes, and casts that they left there after being miraculously healed.  Really cool place.
The Bo babies first "real" snow.  The few flakes that fall in Austin once every 3 years dosn't count.

Rio Grand Gorge
Inside the basilica
Rosaries on a tree outsid the Loretto
The Loretto
Miracle Stairs of the Loretto.  Originally had no railings, were built be a mysterious carpenter who vanished, and their build defy mathematical principles.

Albuquerque Balloon Museum
We took the kids on the Rail Runner commuter train for a fun 2 hr ride

Santa Fe's Farmer's Market is amazing.  It puts the ones in Austin to shame.  So much variety and delicious food.

cool, no worries, it is what it is

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