Friday, March 23, 2012

Tebow to the Jets

The sports talk guys all say Tebow is a polarizing figure.  That you either love him or hate (hate may be a bit strong its more of a disdain) him.  They say he will never be a NFL quarterback because he can't make the throws.  But if you owned a team that isn't winning anyway, what difference does it make.  Sure you want your team to win, it makes you feel successful, it can lead to post season appearances, which leads to more exposure and more money.  But if you don't have the ability to win anytime soon.  Getting Tebow on your team still gives most of the above things.  It puts people in the seats, it gets people watching the games on TV, it's really a great bang for the buck.  Whether he is great or terrible, people will be beating down your doors to watch.  Does he bring division and possibly break up your locker room... Maybe, but losing in front of half-full stadiums breaks up a locker room a lot faster.  These guys are professionals, not kids.  They are cashing checks either way.

Bottom line.  He makes you money and he is a good guy.  Will he be a hall of fame quarterback, no.  Does that matter, no.  There are 26 other QB's in the league who aren't going to the hall either.  Who knows, maybe he plays another 3 seasons, gets a job in the front office, and marries your granddaughter.  Sounds like a win, win, win to me.

cool, no worries, it is what it is

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