Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Espana! pt 7

Madrid is the modern day Spanish capital.  It’s big, sprawling, crowded, and fast paced.  I’ll be honest and say that Madrid was neat to see, but didn’t really strike a chord with either of us.  It isn’t a very old city and so lacked many of the historical sites that I love.  Its wide streets and high rise buildings didn’t have much of the charm that Linz loves.  But, it does have 2 amazing art galleries, the Prado, and the Modern Art Museum.  Both where filled with incredible art and well worth a half day each of exploring.  Our favorite thing in Madrid was the park.  It’s very similar to central park only with more walk ways and artistic flare.  On our last day we settled in for a much needed nap under one of the trees.  Between the park and the museum was the book district, which is really just vendor after vendor selling books on every imaginable thing from hundreds of years old to new releases.  Madrid is just so big.  Most sites are miles apart and not blocks.  The subway system is older and doesn’t have enough stops to be useful inside the city.  We found out by the last day that the best thing to do is to take taxis.  For 7 euros you could be somewhere in 10 minutes instead of 45.  All that said, I’m really glad we went.  Enjoy.

Spanish Royal Palace

Books, books, and more books
cool, no worries, it is what it is

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