Monday, March 19, 2012

Espana! pt 6


Rhonda to me is all about one thing…. the views.  We rented a mini and drove about 3 hrs out from Seville, winding around mountains, pastures, and beautiful lakes.  The town is small and not all that busy.  Just a few tour buses full of people here and there.  Rhonda is the birth place of modern bullfighting and has a bullring that hasn’t changed in hundreds of years.  When you walk into it you feel like you are in a scene in Gladiator and you wonder just how many people have met their end right where you are standing.  Of course we came to Rhonda to see the bridge and the gorge.  I know I sound like a broken record saying the pics do no justice, but once again it is as true as before.  The gorge can only be described as jaw-dropping.  It is hard to believe anyone thought to build, or knows how to build, a stone bridge like this.   Enjoy.
The bridge connects the "old" town to the "new" town

Notice the bottom is still not in the pic

cool, no worries, it is what it is

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