Sunday, March 18, 2012

Espana! pt 5


Seville is another great Spanish city with lots of history and character.  It took its turn as the Spanish capital back in the days of new world exploration.  Its main cathedral is the “do not miss” sight while you are there.  The city is flat and very walkable.  Every night about an hour before sunset the whole city goes on a stroll around the main plazas and the shopping district.  The streets get crowded full of families, performers, children, grandparents, and tourists as the sunset colors the city in a magical hue.  We stayed in a hotel in the old Jewish quarter where the streets are narrow and the sounds of Spanish guitar and flamenco fill the evening air.  Seville is also famous for holding on to the tradition of bullfighting and there are still about a dozen fights per year.  We weren’t in town on the right day to go, but we did find an amazing vintage poster in one of the shops.  My favorite thing in Seville was the inside of the cathedral.  It claims to be the largest in the world although I’m not sure if it is by height, volume, sq ft, etc…. but it’s huge either way and breath-taking on the inside.  My pics do it no justice, but I had to try.  Enjoy.
The cathedral is massive and is the center point of the city

Looking out at the city from the top of the cathedral's bell tower
Orange groves in the cathedral courtyard
Flamenco! is what Seville is famous for
cool, no worries, it is what it is

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