Friday, March 9, 2012

happy 4th to us

Don't worry, I know I didn't post yesterday.  It was totally on purpose.  Linz and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary last night.  We went and stayed at the Driskill downtown and had a great time.  So blogging was put off for a night.  I'll double up tomorrow so that we are all square.  Deal?

First off it rained big time.  So when we were outside, it was just to run between the hotel and the car.  We had diner out in Dripping Springs at the Wilson Appliance store.  The Human society was doing a fundraiser and had 5 different food trailer chefs cooking up meals.  It was fun to mingle, drink wine, sample amazing food, and try to justify some really interesting silent auction items.  60 min cat massage anyone?

Then we went back and hung out at the Driskill bar.  We had so much fun we just stayed there.  Tons of people in town since SXSW started today along with the Austin Rodeo (the rodeo queens were staying at the Driskill).  Linz and I had several rounds of Bat-tinis, listened to some really great live music, and watched the south by hipsters merge in and out with the cowboys.

Bat-tini at the Driskill Bar, same place LBJ and Lady Bird had their first date.
Slept in the next morning and went down to the 1886 Bakery.  Everything was so good.  The fresh made pastries and the Illy coffee really hit the spot.  It was the perfect morning to go.  We had a booth next to the window.  It was in the low 40's and rainy.  The old windows were giving off there own cool temps while the strong coffee warmed you up.

Every time I go some where that serves Illy coffee, I get so excited and drink way too much.
We went back to the room for some reading and relaxing before heading to South Congress.  It was starting to pour down rain, but we couldn't pass up stopping at the Dock and Roll trailer on South First.  I don't know how many of you have ever had a lobster roll, but they serve them right, and they are so delicious.  Since Linz and I travel to Maine every year, I feel like I can say with some confidence that these are legit.  If you go, don't forget to get some of their different home made sauces on the side to put on the roll. So, so good.

We couldn't wait to take the pic until after it was half gone.  It is just too good.
After the roll, we headed to SoCo and final exchanged my boots at Heritage that Linz got me for Christmas that where a size too small.  Ended up finding some really sweet shark skin ones that where everything I had been looking for in a boot.  So next time you go out dancing with us, watch out, I'm bringing my A game.

Finished off the day by heading up to the Bovards to pick up Louie.  We hung out with the kids for a few hours before coming home.  You know I can't go too long without posting Louie pics, so enjoy.

Those Bovard babies love that Lou-man

He really misses us when we are gone
cool, no worries, it is what it is


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