Wednesday, March 7, 2012

things in the brain today

I don't really have a put together blog tonight.  So here are the things that where bouncing around the brain today.  No there is no pattern or common theme.  At least not one I can think of.  If you notice one I'd be thrilled to find out.  Didn't really think on any of them long enought to make a good post on their own.  So you get buffet toninght.

Carecalender Just found out about this yesterday and checked it out this morning.  It is a really neat website that allows people to set up an online calender for meals, car rides, etc for whenever a family is in need.  Which takes a huge load off any kind of care organizer.

I'm not sure that incentives are always the best way to motivate people.  But many think they are.  So the question I have to ask, are we not incentivizing(is this a word?) places like Iran to get a nuke?  I mean, once they have one don't they get treated a lot differently and are less likely to be invaded by whoever.  The biggest thing I don't get is how they don't have one already.  As a kid everyone always talked about the loose Russian nukes or the suitcase nukes.  How does a country not have one of those if they want it?  Are we really going to go to war again to make sure they don't make there own.  Doesn't it seem like nukes in general are something that most nations have taken off the table as a viable option.  It looks like the drones and special seal teams are the way of the future.  Lastly, I'm not sure how we can stop them forever.

The 60 second rule
I've been trying to follow the 60 second rule for dishes and trash and mail.  If it takes you less than 60 seconds then do it right then, don't let it pile up.  Linz told me about it from the happiness project and I'm liking how it's going so far.

My office
Got the office clean today.  I had so many things that I had been saving in order to shred.  My mother has so ingrained in me to shred everything that I by nature no just let it pile up.  Well no more!  Took 16 lbs to Officemax today for them to shred it.  Cost me $15.  Not bad.  Going to start keeping things in a grocery bag and when it is full take it.  I'm so sick of the junk.

Always wanted to learn how to roast it.  Maybe one year after Ty and I master the beer making.  Seems like a logical next step.  Plus, I think coffee is my generations fix of choice.  Whereas I think cigarettes where the generation ahead of me.  Oh well, got take the edge off somehow.

cool-no worries-it is what it is


1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you on letting the "shred pile" get too big in your office. The same thing is going on in my office, and Becca doesn't get why I feel a need to shred so much. I just say, do you know my mom? :-)
