Sunday, March 11, 2012


This week marks our 1 yr mark since our trip to Spain.  I have put off posting pics for about 50 weeks too long.  We have many, many more than those below.  But these are the ones on my phone.

The great thing about this trip was all the amazing memories.  From the silly (taking 30 min to figure out the first ATM) to the breath taking (Alhambra) to the inspiring (Guadi) to the delicious (tapas!) we were struggling the other day for each to only come up with 3 "best" moments since  number was far too few.

My spanish isn't very good, but we managed.  We wandered looking for the street to our hotel for several block before I got the courage to ask for directions.  They weren't from Spain and were lost themselves.  Oh well, it was a good way to break the ice.

In Barcelona we stayed at Suites Ave an amazingly unique building across the street from Guadi's La Padrera.  We wandered the streets, ate amazing food, and marveled at the architecture and art.  It was in Barcelona that I discovered my love of magnificent churches and Linz feel in love with Picasso.  Our 3 nights where far too few.  We can't wait to get back.

The Sagarda Familia, even more breath-taking at night.

It rained the day we went to Guell Park, but it was maybe even more magical in the mist.

More at Guell, there were dozens of vendors taking shelter underneath, selling the coolest little trinkets.

cool, no worries, it is what it is

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