Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Espana! pt 2

After 3 great nights in Barcelona we flew to Granada. Originally we were going to take an overnight train and get a sleeping car. However after calling our hotel in Granada and finding out they had room, after seeing that the cost to fly was only $40 per person, and realizing we could get an extra night in the home of the tapas and save $50, we jumped at the chance. Wow! we were so glad we did. Granada is such an old and beautiful city. The narrow winding streets cover the hillsides. Churches and little plazas appear mystically around the turns. The wine bars (all with free tapas!) close down around midnight so you head to the Moroccan quarter. Where the hookah lounges all stay open till sunrise. They have real Moroccan mint tea as in a Moroccan man makes a hundred year old recipe that you crave the whole next day.  All that makes this one of the most magical cities I have ever been to…. And I haven’t even mentioned the Alhambra.

I think we spent 6 hrs at the Alhambra.  We didn’t even get to see half of it as Linz had to literally drag me from room to room because I couldn’t leave any of them on my own.  It was mesmerizing.  I had taken 100 pictures in Spain on my phone, about 80 of them at the Alhambra.  Enjoy!

This was the view from our room!  Linz picked the amazing Hotel del Carmen
View from the hotel court yard.  You can see how the city glows at night and how every street winds back and forth.
Moroccan Mint Tea

cool, no worries, it is what it is

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