Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tri Tales

So I've been focusing on some last minute training for a triathlon that I was doing on Memorial Day.  I was hopelessly under-trained and proud of it but I figured it couldn't hurt since I haven't done a tri in almost 2 years.  So after a couple of weeks off I am returning to the blog-o-sphere.
The race went OK minus a few set-backs.  I got down there with plenty of time to spare.... maybe too much time.  I spaced out sitting under a tree for 75 minutes waiting to start.  Only to look up and see my age group already in the water ready to start.  I ran to the dock, but couldn't get through the next wave in time to get to the start.  Of course I passed the timing mat which started my time and then was forced to stand on the dock for a 5 min penalty for being late.  That put we swimming with the next group, which all had different cap colors and made it look like I was way behind.  I got through the swim, ran to transition, grabbed my bike, and headed out.  I made it 2 miles from the staging area when I had a flat in the rear tire at the bottom of the hill.  No problem.  I took out my spare tube, grabbed the tire tool, and reached for my pump....... which was sitting back at the transition area.  None of the race volunteers had a pump, so I grabbed my bike and started running back in my bike shoes.  3 blocks down I found 2 bike cops who had a pump and are more than willing to help. Great! I get to work on taking the tire off and in my excitement the tire tool slips and I get a spoke underneath my thumbnail.  Now I am bleeding.  I am very great full to those two officers and I returned the favor by filling out the "citizen in distress" paper work.  First name..... tick tick tick Last name...... tick tick tick.  Oh well, it's not like I was going to win the thing anyway.  The run went smoothly except for the sunburn on the arms.  All in all I had a great time.  Another tri coming up in 3 weeks...... maybe I should go for jog before then????

Thanks for the read.

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