Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Israel's Fiendish Plot

The bellow post is from Little Green Footballs blog, link to blog is here
Just wanted to pass along some good information.

Evidently, a lot of people out there really think there was a huge need for the supplies being brought to Gaza by the Turkish “peace activist” flotilla. People have even posted comments at LGF complaining about the evil Israelis, whose blockade has been starving women and children to death.
Except, in the real Gaza, in this universe on planet Earth, women and children really are not “starving to death.” And one big reason why: the aid provided to the people of Gaza by Israel in the last two years.
Here’s a summary of last month’s activity in this rather massive relief program:
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 16-22 May 2010
- 523 truckloads (13,517 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
- 938,127 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 645 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
- 281 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons via the Erez Crossing.
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 9-14 May 2010
- 637 truckloads (14,069 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
- 810,209 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station, and 897 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
- 781 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons via the Erez Crossing.
Weekly summary of the Gaza crossings: 2 -8 May 2010
- 714 truckloads (17,060 tons) of goods were transferred to the Gaza Strip.
- 1,535,777 liters of heavy-duty diesel for the Gaza power station and 293,796 liters for transportation, and 917 tons of cooking gas were delivered.
- 370 Gaza residents entered Israel for medical reasons and 93 entered Israel for other reasons via the Erez Crossing.
Yep, those evil Israelis, committing genocide against the innocent Palestinians, through the unusual method of giving them large amounts of food, electricity, medical services, and other necessities. Diabolical.
(Hat tip: marjoriemoon.)

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