Friday, May 21, 2010

Drill! Baby! Drill!




"As for offshore drilling, it's safe enough these days,” -John McCain-

Drill! Baby! Drill! right?

Open up the National Parks and Wildlife Refugees!

We can't afford to waste money on these new-fangeled "alternative" sources.  They cost too much money.  We can create jobs here at home, safely extracting our own oil, and we don't have anything to worry about.

So, finding other sources of energy cost too much??? Lets see.  
I guess we could spend hundreds of millions looking for an ever-depleting resource.  
Then we can spend billions to clean it up when we have an accident.
Oh, and then we can spend a trillion dollars fighting to defend it.  

And that's just the financial toll. Don't forget the real cost.  Not just fish and birds that will be destroyed but human lives.  From the people that die in oil related accidents to the thousands of soldiers who give the ultimate sacrifice to protect "American interests."

What more is it going to take to get people to open their eyes?  Why would exploring alternative energies be such a bad thing?  Does it really cost more money when we add it all up?

Thanks for the read.

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