Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The curse of the purist

There is really not anything in life that I'm a purist about, why??? cause it makes you myopic and broke.  If you like something and you enjoy it that's great, but don't go off the deep end.  Once you become a purist or a fanatic of something you loose all your power as a consumer.... you loose choices.... you become that guy.

That guy who is a wine snob.  A $6 cab can taste just as good as a $75 one.  Do you really want to spend that kind of mools when most people couldn't tell the difference if we took the label off the bottle?  And why do you feel compelled to tell me the difference????

That guy who is a golf snob.  I like public and muni courses.  My green fees are $9-$15 yours are $150+  I don't want difficult greens or sand traps, I want to enjoy myself.  Besides you can still hit it in the trees, cuss up a storm, and throw your clubs no matter how much you paid to get on the course.

That guy who is a sports team purist.

"We picked up some great late round draft pics!"    You haven't had a winning season in 5 years.  Quit buying upper deck end zone season tickets and maybe the owner will get the drift that he needs to win to get your dollar.

The surround sound-plasma TV purist: we are watching a made for TV movie, it doesn't matter.
The amateur restaurant critic: Its ok to get a burger/pizza/Chinese from a place not "the best in town."
The Harley guy:..... I mean seriously do you need the logo tattooed on your body?

A professional should be a purist.  A Red Sox's pitcher needs know ARods career batting average against lefties.  A guy who manages a sub shop????  Doesn't.  I'm not saying you can't be a fan or have hobbies, you should, that's something that makes people unique.  But it shouldn't overtake your family time and consume your finances.  What if you were a little less of a purist and a little bit better of a parent?  That wouldn't be so bad, would it?

Thanks for the read.

1 comment:

  1. http://deadspin.com/5535220/fake-yo+yo-trickster-fools-every-tv-station-everywhere
