Saturday, March 3, 2012

Waste - Buying Beer With Your Food Stamps

Is it wasteful for someone to buy beer or cigarettes with their food stamps?  Why?  People like to complain about things like this as some sort of example on government waste.  And then they go on and on about tax dollars being thrown out the window..... buying beer instead of bread..... blah blah blah.

From an economic perspective you should be jumping for joy. Welfare dollars go right into your local economy.  Last time I looked they had an economic impact of like a $1.06 for every dollar that is spent.  They give people who need them the ability to buy more and give more people jobs ringing up merchandise, stocking shelves, driving trucks to the stores, etc.  Also, last time I checked the things at the grocery store including the Miller High Life's and Marlboro cigarette are mostly American made.

So its really a question of what they should be allowed to spend money on.  And I understand the point of view that says it should only be allowed to be spent on health things.  But who gets to draw the line?  What about sugary breakfast cereal?  Or ho-ho's?

Then there's the people that want to give out drug tests before handing out welfare.  Which of course will cost money to perform.  So that's wasteful.  But it will be jobs for the people to administer.  People to make the pee cups.  Hand out the pee cups.  Test the pee in the cups.  Write up the reports.....  Of course it will be our tax dollars creating these jobs.

So to sum it up.  Does it really matter?  Is there such a thing as government waste?  Doesn't it really just translate to jobs?  So why fight about it?  You could argue for greater accountability or more open records.  But you really can't stop the cycle.

In honesty, none of this really upsets me.  But to some people it's an outlet.  They are mad about something in there lives and they are blaming it on others.  No one in particular, just these face-less, name-less others who must be gaming the system and wasting their hard earned tax dollars.  But in reality these are people that need help.  And if you can come up with a better system, I'm sure people would love to hear it.

Cool.  No worries.  It is what it is.


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