Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Project - Blogging 7 times a week for a month

So today is March 1st and I've decided to make this a month long blog-tasta-thon.  I haven't written anything on here in close to 6 months.  Why?
Work?.... no.
Doing other things to release my creative side?..... no.
Not finding the time?..... kinda.
Mostly, I haven't written because it hasn't been a priority for me.  And I don't really know what happened.  I enjoy writing.  It gives me the cheap thrill of accomplishment.  And I always look forward to hearing what Linz has to say about it.
So, I've decided to make 30 posts in the month of March.  Warning.... I will probably run out of interesting things by day 2.  Other stipulations, no more than 20 mins will be spent on a post.  Why?  So there is no excuse.  And since most of the time I spend "blogging" is really looking for pics or stats online, there will be no pics or stats unless I took them or compiled them.  So be on the look out for all original content aka junk coming your way.  So in summary.

30 posts in 30 days.
no more than 20 mins allowed.
only original pics and other media allowed.

Cool. No worries. It is what it is.


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