Monday, April 18, 2011

How I would fix it - the NHL

How I would fix it is a series of post on how I would make something better.  I am starting with different sports teams/leagues but it could be about anything.  So without keeping you waiting.... here it goes.

How I would fix the NHL.  If I woke up tomorrow and I was the commissioner, these are the changes I would make.

1.  Move half of the teams to Canada.  The sport needs to focus on the markets that care about hockey.  Right now there are 30 teams, only 6 of them are in Canada.  Which is crazy since every game in Canada would sell out and be watched by a much larger % of Canadians than Americans.  Keep the traditional teams in the North East and the Great Lakes regions along with a few teams in the largest US markets like LA, Dallas, Denver, etc.

2. Divide the divisions along national lines so that every Stanley Cup would be USA vs Canada.  Which would probably triple the Stanley Cup ratings overnight.  Plus the All-Star game would be must watch since it would be like 2010 Olympic championship game.

3. Put your best Hockey game of the week on a Sunday afternoon and show it nationally.  Other than that focus on regional broadcasts and selling pay per view / NHL TV channel for the games to hockey fanatics.

4. Find a new camera angle so that viewers don't lose the puck along the boards for 25% of every game.  Hockey is the only sport where a wall blocks the viewer from the action.

5. People go bonkers for the 1 outdoor game a year.  Bump it up by 3 games a year and see if it is still successful.  Or try the All-Star game outdoors.

6. Bring back the Whalers, the logos are just too awesome not to exist.

Hartford Whalers 1972? Logo

That is what I've got.  Next "how I'd fix it" will be about MLB, hopefully I can get it out soon.  Thanks for the read.

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