Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Catching up the last 2 weeks

Just catching everyone up with the last 12 days or so. I spent several minutes trying to put this in order and I failed so it is grouped by ..... um, however it comes out of my head.

We went out twice to 2 step. Once to rebels, which was a success and the other time we tried midnight rodeo, which didn't work out so well. Let's just say I got hit on in a way I didn't see coming..... As in a guy...... Who hit me in the face. Oh well. Ty got a new bike which was flown in cross country. Had a great 5 mins of glory riding it around the yard. Speaking of bikes I had a fun experience with a flat tire while riding home from work. Will came to visit for a few days which meant a whirlwind of sightseeing and good eating. Speaking of eating, tried Phils Icehouse on burnet rd and was very impressed. It may knock Hills out of my top burger spot. I've being seeing a lot of wildlife lately: water moccasins, woodpeckers, and baby armadillos(see pic below) I actually saw 4 but only 3 would get together for the pic.
Weird armadillo facts: the dillos in this area only give birth to genetically identical quadruplets, also momma dillos can suspend giving birth for up to 2 years if they have to.

Registered for a couple of Tri's this summer, dug up some palm trees, and picked up some furniture refinishing projects(project posts to come). So a busy couple of weeks. Headed to Abilene this weekend to see the brother and Becs graduate from college. Hopefully I'll get a post or two out before I leave.

Thanks for the read.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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