Friday, April 23, 2010

What do you have on draft? day 2

Okay, rounds 2 and 3 have not been super exciting, a little surprised that Colt fell to the late 3rd, but overall its been kind of eh.  The thing that sticks out the most is Chris Berman.  Man, he is struggling to get through today.  After the guy got drafted from UMass Berman goes off on some rabbit trail. You know he is eh Haitian or eh he was born..... eh he is of Haitian descent and um..... from UMass and USC has only had one draft pick and Ohio St hasn't had one.... and um they say there are 8 million stories in the naked city...... What????? or how about this one I am going to tell a story, can I tell a story? about Reid in one of those Pro Bowl years... at the Pro Bowl um eh you know Tom we work so hard...... and about the 3rd we were on the North Shore and in the ocean and we were um well.... we were body surfing and the ocean rose 5 ft when we got in and the waves... the waves... the second wave pounded us and we were out... out of there... out of there! We cleared the beach.  I don't know if he is going to make it tomorrow.  We will see.  Much love out to all the horns that got drafted today, best of luck guys.

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