Thursday, March 11, 2010

Toy Woe Ta

Toyota Motors is facing some serious problems.  Let's be clear about this, there is definitely something wrong with some of their cars, Toyota probably knew this could be an issue, they built the cars any way, and now that people are dying from these problems Toyota is scrambling like mad to figure out a way to save face.
 Toyota CEO before Congress (who wouldn't want to save that face?)

There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of these cars on the road in the US.  Even if just a small fraction of these cars have sudden acceleration issues, that still leaves hundreds of cars with problems.

I don't really blame Toyota, I blame the Government...... right???? It's all their fault! Right???  That's all I am hearing.  So what are our political superheros saying???? how are they making our lives better????? well, let me enlighten you.
This is FLOW the FAULT FINDER(insert political talking head here)
she finds the Government at fault for everything

(The next section is much better if you use a cheesy super hero voice when text is italicized)
Last month, Flow blamed the government for raising fuel standards a few years back, which forced Toyota to use electronic gas pedals in order to save weight.  Those horrible senators! How dare they want us to burn less fossil fuels! Go! Flow! Go! tell us more about this! Yes, the politicians raised mpg standards, because some of them want to try and prevent global warming, didn't they see all the snow last month? Global warming is a lie!  This same big government policy is going to be taking over your health care soon!!!!!  I wish I was making all this stuff up :(  Really? I mean Really??? So you are saying its the Gov's fault all this is happening because they got involved in the car business? So no Gov involvement is Flow's policy right?

Not so fast evil doer! Last week Flow blamed the Gov for not doing enough to prevent this. Say what?  Yes it seems that Toyota has a lobbying firm that has made contributions to politicians in order to let them do their thing.  You know like every other large company in the world that pays off DC.  Flow may have a valid point here.  Since several of the members of congress which will conduct the hearing of Toyota actually received campaign contributions from Toyota.  But alas Flow could not stay on target, soon she was on to attacking certain politicians and then it bled into labor unions and then, well, the usual, and these are the people that are going to be running our health care!!!  This should have been a good example as to why companies should be limited in their campaign contributions.  So Gov should be involved more??? or less??? not sure on this. Sounds like they took their pay off and turned a blind eye.  So essentially the Gov did nothing, isn't that what Flow wants???? Less regulation????

But the Eeeeeevil Plot Thickens
This week Flow has a found a new fault.  The Gov is now piling on and taking advantage of Toyota.  How dare they! Those foul creatures, are they even human!?!  Now that Big Gov has taken over GM and Chrysler they are using this to their advantage.  And wasting tax payer money going after what should be a private matter between consumer and producer.  Not only that, but Gov's evil side kick the Press is now in on the act.  Reporting on all the different stories of peoples cars suddenly accelerating.  Surely these are all frauds. If I was driving a car and it started to speed up, I would just step on the brakes. These must be sick people the Press has paid off, since some of them are willing to put their lives at risk for their 15 min of fame!  .....and these people want to take over our heath care!  
I really think Flow took this too far.  Hey, I don't care what you would do if your car started speeding up and you were prepared for it.  These people had about 30 seconds to asses the situation and make a decision.  They didn't have hours to plan the perfect way to stop a run away car.  So quit telling me they are faking it.  I would have stepped on the brakes with both feet, and pulled the emergency brake, and put the car in neutral, and turned the car off!  Just, stop it!  13 people have died from this just in the last month.  Let me repeat that.... 13 people..... with families and lives...... just since the recall was announced.  So let's stop using them as political ammunition to take shots at the Gov.

Here is where I land on this.
1. Toyota built the cars, they are the ones to blame, they should do every thing to make this right.
2. The Gov should do everything it can legally do to make sure this gets fixed.
3. We should use this to make cars safer and people better educated as to what to do in an emergency.
4. Flow needs to hang up her cape for while.

Thanks for the read.

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