Monday, March 22, 2010

Tigers and Tournies

The NCAA tournament was full of exciting? can't miss action? this week end..... right???? Well, to be honest I haven't watched a single game.  I didn't even fill out a bracket for the first time in 10 yrs, and, well...... I don't even really care.  Seriously, the whole thing is full of mediocre and boring teams.  In what other sport do you have teams from 20 years ago better than the teams or today?

I mean it, look at Duke or Kansas, yes they are talented but would they even get within 25 points of Patrick Ewing's Hoyas or Houston's Phi Slamma Jamma?  I don't think so, and if you honestly do, well...... I'm sorry but I deal in reality.

People are wanting this thing to go from 64 to 96 teams.  Yeah, that will fix things, more average and under-achieving teams that I will want to watch even less.  Seriously, I would rather read the instructions on the back of an airline sick bag. Who do you have in the southern-mid-western-Ohio bracket??? Boll Weevil Tech as a 19 seed???? Open bag..... insert mouth..... barf freely.

Tiger Woods gave a couple of 5 minute interviews last night that to me were more compelling then anything in the NCAA tourny.
 I have to be honest and say, Tiger did a really good job yesterday.  The media is piling on and whining "he is being guarded", "he's not giving us the whole story."  I really don't care, he gave me enough, he was honest, and he did the most important thing..... he is winning me back.  I judge something like this based on the emotions I feel in the moment.  I don't try to take it apart and over analyze it.  When he said he hoped some one would clap for him and that he hoped they were clapping for birdies, I smiled.  When he talked about having to tell the truth to his mother and wife, I felt a pull at my stomach.  When asked as to why he even got married, I started willing out his answer like I was hoping a putt would go in.  When it was over, I wanted more, but felt that he gave me what was promised.

I want to be clear that in no way do I agree with anything he has done, the lies, the affairs, the transgressions.  He messed up in every way.  But, Tiger didn't let me down...... he let his wife and family down.  Tiger is a golfer, his job is to be entertaining.  He doesn't need my forgiveness or my pity, but he does need my eyeballs on the tube in April when he plays in the master's.  And as long as he stays on his current track he will have them.

Thanks for the read

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