Sunday, February 20, 2011

February life update

Haven't written anything for a while now and I wanted to take a minute and update the blog.  Things have been busy, but that is nothing new.  I've started a new work schedule where I'm working 2 days a week at the family company and the other days I'm focusing on real estate.  We have 5 different properties that need to be finished and sold/rented.  The goal is to have them all finished in 6 months, which will require a lot of attention, planning and a little luck.  I'm completing the last few steps to get my real estate license this week and I'm looking forward to getting that all wrapped up.  Linz and I are going to Spain for a week in March and I can't wait to get a trip recap and some pics on here.  I have been working on a post for a while that is semi influenced by the State of the Union address from earlier this year.  The main problem is that I have changed my mind on how I think about everything on a weekly basis.  Kind of hard to write/finish a post if you disagree with yourself by the end of it.  But,  I'm sure I will get it figured out.  Just got back from the weekend in Abilene where we got the whole family together and saw Blake's group win ACU Sing-Song.  So a big congrats to him and the rest of the Sophomore class.  I'll get some "before and after" pics up of the houses as they get done and get a new post out later in the week.  Until then.....

Thanks for the read.

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