Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July just flew by!

Not many posts in July.  In my defense we did go out of town for 8 days and I have been working a lot(like 50-60 hrs a week), but that hasn't really been the only reason the posts have been lacking.  To be honest I'm just not really sure which way to go with this blog.  And maybe that's ok.  Most of the other blogs I follow really have a certain purpose or direction, but I get kind of bored trying to focus on any one thing.  So in true random post fashion.....

Am I one Lindsey away from being a hippie????

No I mean it,  Linz and I talked about it on Saturday.

Cars- I would really be ok just taking my bike, a bus, or a scooter.

House- I switched us to wind energy; I don't like throwing anything away; I try to reuse every board, screw and nail I can possibly salvage; I recycle EVERYTHING(I have now brought cardboard home from work so I can recycle it); I asked Linz if we could drop our cable; and I think our next house should be smaller than the one we have now.

Food- We do mostly organic foods and most of our grocery shopping at a smaller co-op(Sprouts).  I have drastically cut down my overall meat intake,  I try to go 5 days a week with out eating any meat and if I do I try to eat fish or chicken(if someone has already bought it I will eat it, it doesn't make any sense to waste it).  Why??? well meat is expensive, most animals are treated poorly, and all those animals are hard on the environment. 

I could go on but all this is making me just sound cheap.  Well, mostly cheap with a little "do something good for the planet" sprinkled in.  Ok, so maybe not a hippie, but it is a good thing that I have Linz to keep me balanced.  I know, I know I should just take it easy.  My online quiz I just took rated me as a 58% hippie(take it for yourself).  So I think I am ok for now.

Still don't have any idea what this blog will become but I'm going to stop worrying about that and just write about whatever is swimming around in my head.  I will also do my best to post about twice a week, maybe Tuesdays and Fridays???? Here are a few of the topics I've been working on.  Is the DVR ruining TV? What are the differences btw Dallas and Austin?(recent trip recap included) A different way to look at immigration.  Renting vs Buying.  Book review Super Freakonomics and Freakonomics.  Maine trip recap.

Thanks for the read.

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