Sunday, May 9, 2010

if it walks like a duck.....

and talks like a duck.....

then its a duck......
The words "terrorist" and "terrorism" are being throw around a lot this week after authorities caught the guy believed to be the Time Square bomber.  And this brings me back to something that really bothered me a few months ago.  I wrote down some notes and was planning to blog about it, but I had just started this thing and at that moment it just didn't feel right.  But now with it fresh in our minds again I have two questions..... what exactly is a terrorist?  and how is Joseph Steck not one?

This guy wrote a bunch of anti-US-gov statements, snapped, took a plane, and crashed it into a gov building with the intent to murder people.  And our elected officials and the talking heads did everything they could to NOT call this guy a terrorist.  Why?????????

Is it because he owned the plane?  Or that he looks too much like the "average American"?

Or was it that his "I pay too much taxes" rhetoric is gaining popularity in some political circles?????

Thanks for the read.

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