Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Dukies!!!!

So I ranted a few weeks ago about how the teams in the NCAA tourney were better in the past than the present.  Just in case you doubted, check out Dan Patrick's interview with Grant Hill on April the 1st.  Here is the important part.
GH: Exactly. I was down there this summer at Coach K's fantasy camp. True story. Me, Laettner, Jay Williams, who played at Duke and had the motorcycle accident, and a couple other guys played against the current guys in pick-up ball. And we kind of had our way with them. This is in June when none of us are really in shape. Laettner is 40 years old. These guys are half our age, and we're actually beating them. In all honesty, I was a little worried about this year's team. But they've certainly come together. They play well together.
DP: Wait a minute, give me the lineup. It's [Bobby] Hurley and Jay Williams, it's you, Laettner, and who else is in the starting five?GH: And David McClure.
DP: OK, so you've got your big guy in there with Laettner and you guys are roughing up this team that's in the Final Four.GH: Well, Jay Williams who, God bless him, can only play on one leg ... he's killing John Scheyer. Laettner's killing the Plumlee brothers. I'm to the point where I was like, you should still play [to Laettner.] He said the problem is I can't play 82 games. I can play once every two weeks.

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