Sunday, March 7, 2010

Do you health care?

Can we have an open and honest conversation about this without one of us being labeled a socialist and the other being called uncaring?  This is my biggest issue with what both political extremes are doing.  They are making it a "all or nothing" "for or against" "life or death" line in the Alamo sand. You aren't allowed to ask questions or try to be reasonable and no one is putting it in a context that makes it easy for us "normal" people to understand.
Yes, a small % of yahoos thrive on political jargon.
I'm not one of them.
And chances are you aren't either.

All I know is that we are going to have to change and we can do better.

But,  "America has the best health care system in the world" this is probably true, but so what? How do you prove or disprove best?  Don't look at me like I'm crazy when I say we could do better. "What country has better health care? oh yeah? well why don't you just move there?"  Come on be reasonable.  So we have the best health care, and blockbuster used to be the best way to rent movies.
We used to get in the car, drive to the buster, wander the rows trying to find what we want, take it home, forget to take the movie back the next day, and end up paying late fees.  Now we either get DVD's from a redbox, use on-demand, or watch movies online.

GM used to be the biggest and "best" car company.
Then they failed to be innovate and change with the times.  Then Toyota became the latest greatest and everything was great for them....... till their cars started accelerating on their own.

Let me list some things and see if they sound right:
*Health care expenses are one of the leading causes for American's to go bankrupt.
*Medical malpractice is the third leading cause for death in the US
*American spends 18% of its GDP on health care costs, Canada and UK around 12%
*Billions and billions are wasted every year on coverage litigation.

So what do we do?  Well..... we have to be open minded, and we have to listen, and we have to come up with a solution that is going to make things better.  I don't want the government intricately involved in what I eat or how I live my life.  But I also realize that there is a place for government to be there for people who need public help. Since neither extreme is going to be reasonable or come down from their soap boxes, its time for the 90% of us in the middle to start talking to one another.

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.  If I get enough responses I'll send them to our officials.

Thanks for the read.

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